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About is aiming to be an open educational platform for developers by developers and to provide good educational content in the form of tutorials / videos with interactive learning exercises and incremental learning exercises. It provides the infrastructure for submitting tutorials in a well organized, accessible way as well as fund the creation of professional tutorials.

It allows readers to learn about concepts relevant to the Dotsama ecosystem by providing an entry point for tutorials, documentation and repositories for studying. is build on existing solutions that have already proven to be a reliable source for very good developer documentation and educational content: Docusaurus. It makes it easy for writers to concentrate on the content, it can easily be enriched with interactive code snippets and custom plugins and has well proven across the ecosystem, e.g. is already powering the Polkadot Wiki, the KILT documentation, the subsocial developer documentation and probably many others.

All the code of this platform, as well as the tutorials and documentation is open sourced on github.

New content can easily be submitted by anyone with knowledge of git in the form of Pull Requests that can be authored by the repository team. The platform aims to be open to anyone: with a different skill level of the readers as well as a multitude of authors.

It was first funded by the Kusama treasury in March 2023 after a a successful referendum.

Looking for Authors (March 2023)

The funds allocated for each tutorial is 1300€ or ~$1400. The estimated work load would be around 15h for planing, writing and revisions.

If that sounds interesting for you, if you are a developer in Polkadot / Kusama and have anything you want to write about, that you feel would be a great tutorial for others - get in touch via the contact options below.


Upcoming proposals about developing and decentralizing or the funding of new dev tutorial authors will be moved to Polkadot Governance.

Docusaurus also offers the option of localization (i.e. providing content in different languages) which will not be part of this proposal but might come very handy in future versions.